Perianesthesia Certification Review: 6 Modules (8.5 CH) (2024)

ASPAN Perianesthesia Certification Review Bundle
(Requirements for Successful Completion: You must view each module it its entirety, achieve a 100% on the post test, and complete the online evaluation by the deadline to receive continuing nursing education, contact hour credit.)  The PCR Bundle is available to you for 120 days from your date of purchase.

The Perianesthesia Certification Review bundle is a great resource for starting your review for both the perianesthesia certification exams, CPAN® & CAPA®, offered by the American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification. This is a "Learner Paced" educational activity.

  1. Overview of the Perianesthesia Certification Exams (.75 CH)
  2. Anesthetic Agents and Techniques (2.25 CH)
  3. Special Populations (2.25 CH) 
  4. ASPAN Standards (1.75 CH) 
  5. Clinical Judgement in Perianesthesia Nursing (1.0 CH) 
  6. Test Taking Tips (.5 CH) 

Linda Ziolkowski


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