How do I log in?

Please log in on the top right side of the page with your ASPAN account login credentials. Once you log in, you will be redirected back to the conference homepage.

I need help logging in

For username or password assistance please contact dingram@aspan.org or ezeiger@aspan.org.
For ASPAN questions please email cpapp@aspan.org.

Can I share my registration access with another co-worker?

No, this access is unique to you and is linked to your email address.

How do I access the sessions?

You must be registered and logged in to access sessions. You can access any of the session by clicking  "Sessions" in the top menu bar. From there, select the session day you would like to view. Click on any session title and access the "Watch Session" button.

I am having trouble with audio, I can’t hear the speaker through my computer speakers … what do I do?

If you are not able to hear any audio through your computer speakers first check to make sure your speakers are not muted or turned off.

The next step is to refresh your screen by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard or clicking the “refresh” button in your web browser.

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer this site will not function properly for you, please switch to another browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 
